“Boo Be Gone”
New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez

“Boo Be Gone”

The success of Wherever There Are Ghosts, There Are Berries in 2044 took its toll on Zadi, the newest member of Ghost Town. Just two years later, she resigned, though flush with Space Bucks, to live a quieter life. The raucous road warriors of Big Vicious, Sorry Sally, Good Luck Thomas, Gaspar, and Alvin had hit the dizzying highs of stardom once more, but the fear of success and the horror of decline were all too real.

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“Kick Flip Coin”
New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez

“Kick Flip Coin”

Ecksplorer was born in the sewage of intergalactic skate parks; not the sanctioned ones (later destroyed) but the abandoned factories, the defunct parking lots, and the pot-holed deserts of lunar surfaces. Hard-nosed, loud, and equally abrasive as melodic, the trio made anthems for the fringes.

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“You’ve Got An Enemy“
New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez

“You’ve Got An Enemy“

With Pizza Bear laying dormant for decades and Honey Bear obsessing over her second album (though it was never released), the gap in bear beatmakers had swelled from a crack to a canyon. Enter Beans. Orphaned when he was just a cub, he too drew on the inspiration of New Bear City, not of the dizzying highs but of the scummy lows.

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“Irradiated Sluggard“
New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez

“Irradiated Sluggard“

Slugs had had their heyday in the 4390s, a festive reawakening of freedom, heavy narcotic use, and love abound. While the Free Love Wars of the early 4400s put a swift end to that way of enrichment, you cannot keep a good movement down. Slugs, for all intents and purposes, were quite useless as a species. Mostly originating from the Gulgoli Galaxy, these slimy, legless, multi-eyed creatures were susceptible to most universal truths: sunlight, water, and salt.

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“From The Ground Up“
New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez

“From The Ground Up“

Bloom never shied away from their interests and obsessions. Moonshine was another in a series of flora-focused albums highlighting the indescribable process of growing by strict moonlight. A hobby for not merely the night owls and owlets but a lucrative industry with its own set of heroes and villains.

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New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez


Dawdle, fresh off of her 2243 album Playing Dead, had excused herself from public life, seeking shelter in the Northern Hemisphere of Akerwood, where deciduous trees are plentiful, and the leaf-peeping is beyond reproach. Nestled into her hollowed treehouse, Dawdle was content to pass the time in solitude, taking up hiking in the mornings, tea in the afternoon, and delicious cheese plates at night.

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New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez


Loneliness, we can all relate, dear Audionauts. The counting of petals does not do much to satisfy the yearning, whether that be for a sense of place, purpose, or potential. Alienation, they call it, and the nom de guerre of perpetually lonely and double-jointed (we'll get back to that), Nedley Femtome.

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“Mass of Spora”
New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez

“Mass of Spora”

The parasitic, invasive spore known as Aethelthryth III lived under the shadows of their forbearers Aethelthryth I and Aethelthryth II, both megastars in their own right, but where A-I and A-II had the advantage of having spawned in the vessel of two already talented musicians, it was A-III who was birthed in the unsuspecting body of an astronaut who had already filed for retirement.

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“Parallel Voids”
New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez

“Parallel Voids”

Bad Scientists were always honest about their backgrounds. No, they were not certified in any field of science or mathematics, but they had witnessed the phenomenon known as "string theory" firsthand. Most today know this as String Law, but in 4885, it was still regarded as a mere theory, begging to be proven.

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New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez


Ahhh, Fall. For those creatures relegated to systems that produce only a single season, the joys of Fall are somewhat foreign. Foliage decaying into orange, red, and yellow, the air crisp and chill, but not too cold. The suns are a little whiter during the day and a little more ochre at sunset.

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New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez


There's no shame in dumpster diving. The best of us have been on the receiving end of the scavenger life, counting our Space Bucks like each one is worth ten times their weight in gwolfs or abarduns. For DAY OLDS, life on the street became a part of their identity, the pride of living off of practically nothing (even when their albums sold in the trillions of units).

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New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez


We've all heard the tired phrase, "What happens in Murkaatoo stays with you forever." It was a warning to those who came to the City of Sins and of the sinister. The actions that take place beyond this point will change the very molecules of your shell.

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“In Tunnels”
New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez

“In Tunnels”

We've all heard the tired phrase, "What happens in Murkaatoo stays with you forever." It was a warning to those who came to the City of Sins and of the sinister. The actions that take place beyond this point will change the very molecules of your shell.

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New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez


The Great Disillusionment was a progressive movement among certain sectors of the Universe. One that sought to illuminate those who had lost their way. The aforementioned disillusionment was due in part to the intergalactic ban on music by Lord Prosect, certainly an event to put a damper on everyday life.

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“Dawn of the Machines”
New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez

“Dawn of the Machines”

For most civilizations, automation and the reliance on intelligence systems, is a blessing. Dangerous or repetitive jobs are left to automatons who lack emotion and rely on mechanical reflexes and orders to maintain competitive markets and free creatures to pursue other paths.

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Our 200th Beat!
Announcements Joey Rodriguez Announcements Joey Rodriguez

Our 200th Beat!

Welcome aboard! You've taken the first step towards helping the Intergalactic Beets Project uncover all the tastiest and funkiest beats in the universe, press them to vinyl, and distribute them for all to listen to.

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New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez


Nectarines On Neptune was all that remained of the crew of the Neptunian Peace Corp. Their mission to establish contact with the final planet of Milky Way Galaxy Solar System 62586, was indeed successful, but due to limited technology, there would be no return and no reinforcements for some time.

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“Rad Herring”
New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez

“Rad Herring”

The difference in live energy and unimaginable death took place in the space of only a millisecond. Leaning one way or the other did not result in favorable outcomes either. It was this precision that was the tenet of Rot Blast's musical odyssey.

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“In Search Of…”
New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez

“In Search Of…”

From the icy realm of Xeeroks came The Thing! Was it organic? Was it sentient? Dear Audionauts, we might never know whether beatmaker The Thing was a cute furry Quby or a horrifying Zurloor and this was because The Thing was whatever it needed to be.

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“Moon Beam”
New Beats Joey Rodriguez New Beats Joey Rodriguez

“Moon Beam”

Luna Del Ray had been born under the rays of a brilliant Moon Beam, the rarest of celestial events. Light from two suns must intersect at the precise moment in order to thrust the reflection from any moon towards the planet it orbits. Luna was of poor stock; her family a long line of muck farmers.

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