This Is A Stick Up!
Doom Raiders
Original Release Date: 06/21/2865
It was the same old process: ensnare a passing cargo ship in their tractor beam, board the vessel, steal the goods. But where was the excitement? The shootouts? The sense of danger? For the wandering bandits known as the Doom Raiders, this cycle had run its course…until a fateful robbery uncovered a bay loaded with musical instruments. Holstering their weapons and loading their synthesizers with melodic ammunition, This Is A Stick Up! became their obsession. Translating their experiences into music yielded a twangy, melancholy, rip-roaring adventure through the cosmos. With the wind in their hair and their buckin’ space broncos on overdrive, it became clear that their talents had been somewhat wasted on petty theft. This Is A Stick Up! became the summer album of 2865 and fueled the Raiders to produce several follow-up albums that revealed a bit more about their mysterious past, though they never once removed their color-coordinated bandanas from around their faces.
Side A
Target Acquired
The Chase Is Better Than The Catch
Now Boarding
Reach For The Stars
Side B
Pay Dirt
Space Police
High Noon to Sundown