stranger & closer than you think.
down micro scope
Original Release Date: 05/25/4423
Released at the tail end of the Nano Phase (which included heavy hitters Motor Protein), Stranger & Closer Than You Think represented a radical shift in the Newtonian Galaxy trio of down micro scope. Gone were the heavy guitars and thrashing bass, replaced by a synthetic style that maintained their general thumping overtones. The result? A smash hit that saved them from drowning in obscurity. With pulse-pounding beats, down micro scope ensured another forty years of success while the rest of the genre floundered. Using their college experience of burning the midnight oil, their eyes glued to electron microscopes, as a basis, Stranger & Closer Than You Think produced three #1 hits: Atomic Rush, Moon Beam Nucleus, and the 12-minute opus: Breakthrough.
Side A
Moon Beam Nucleus
An Infinite Number of Worlds
Beaker, Beaker
Side B
Atomic Rush