Still Waiting…
The Brain, The Heart, and The Liquid Courage
Original Release Date: 04/29/4111
Still Waiting…while having an outward double meaning (the agonizing wait of success and the immobility of the abandoned scarecrow), the members of The Brain, The Heart, and the Liquid Courage were also waiting to be rescued. Forgotten almost entirely after a tour through the Sunflower Galaxy, lead singer Strawman dispatched a signal into the universe (strangely enough, this album) and for 188 years the sound traveled, undeciphered, until a passing starship interpreted the message as an invitation to a great outdoor concert. The concert did go on, of course, much to the chagrin of BHLC; this momentous event, however, is forever cemented as the second-largest intergalactic festival behind Beetstock 5000.
Side A
Funeral For A Bird
Stammer & Sickle
Down The Hatch
Velvet Curtain (Revealed)
Side B
Tornado (Instrumental)
In The Face Of Tremendous Adversity
Don’t Forget About Me (Us)
Missing Link Airways