Original Release Date: 04/23/3021
Dedicated to the daughter of the founder of The Intergalactic Beets Project, Rubynauts was included in the interstellar peace-keeping mission Operation Friendly Neighbor. Music was the great unifier in bridging the gap between light-years of space where we once thought only dark matter existed. Armed with what was arguably the most powerful set of speakers in the universe, at the time, Operation Friendly Neighbor poured music over thirteen hundred different galaxies on a nearly 100-year mission. Though the intentions of the mission came from a place of love and harmony, not all creatures appreciated this loud flyby. A counter operation, dubbed Neighborhood Listen attempted to pulsate a sound just as loud, and infinitely more annoying. The clash of the two competing sounds was the final straw. Both operations were quickly terminated, dismantled, and mostly apologized for. While copies were eventually pressed to commemorate the success of the mission, they were to be enjoyed strictly in the comfort, and privacy, of the listener’s home.
Original Database Entry: Dedicated to the daughter of the founder of The Intergalactic Beets Project, Rubynauts was included in the interstellar peace-keeping mission Operation Friendly Neighbor. Music was the great unifier in bridging the gap between light-years of space where we once thought only dark matter existed.
While copies were eventually pressed to commemorate the success of the mission, this copy sat aboard the vessel Ursa Major on its journey to the furthest reaches of our neighborhood.
Side A
Welcome To The Neighborhood!
Block Party
On A Casserole
Side B
Cup O’ Sugar
Safe & Sound
Late For The Bus