Infinite Futures
Comet Convention
Original Release Date: 06/18/4299
Comets are often thought of as solitary, spinning out of control endlessly as they zip from galaxy to galaxy, taking photos and posting them on intergalactic message boards. To break this stereotype, the very first Comet Con (Comet Convention) was held in the summer of 4298. Almost a billion participants packed the outer edges of the Boötes Void and it became clear that these drifting space rocks were more than just a lonesome handful. Out of a four-day celebration came a friendship between three comets nicknamed ā, Bee, and Sea, and their passion for music. Quickly finding instruments that suited them, it was off to the studio (aka Bee’s garage) to lay down enough tracks to press an album. Those sessions, which nearly tore apart the Oort Cloud with their sheer volume, became the entirety of their debut Infinite Futures. With their ability to travel efficiently, the members of Comet Convention (the name clearly paying homage to their fateful meeting) played a record 14,629 concerts in just one Earth Year, cementing them as touring giants and helping to make Infinite Futures the biggest record of the 44th Century.
Side A
Keep Watching The Skies
Infinite Futures
Birds Of A Feather
Side B
Fire & Ice
One Of Us
Boötes On The Ground
Outer Space Bloom