Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
Space Cowboys
Original Release Date: 04/05/3276
These cowboys are anything but. Originally dubbed Bella and the Utters, this quartet was the progenitor of intergalactic constellation melodies. After radio stations refused to play their music, they rebranded as the Space Cowboys releasing their baffling (though grammatically correct) debut album Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. Their wild stage shows routinely featured large animal masks and synthesizers stacked to the rafters. Turning the tide of their own community and proving that they belonged in venues that spanned galaxies, proved difficult, and it wasn’t until the money started to roll in that they received their due. Too little, too late, however, as the heavy debt they incurred during the recording process came back to haunt them. Not even the sale of their album could recoup the cost. However, every time you look up in the night sky, you can be sure the Space Cowboys are still watching, waiting for their next opportunity to show the universe they were worth their weight.
Side A
Huff & Puff
Connected Through Science
Star Power
The Royal Order
Side B
High Horse
The Killing Of A Sacred Buffalo
Take Kindly