And Our Efforts Were Rewarded
The Cosmonauts
Original Release Date: 11/15/2575
This album is currently being decoded. New information will be available on November 15th. The following first appeared in Issue #4 of Heart Beets.
On November 15th, former Earth-born refugees The Cosmonauts will finally release their follow-up to their debut Quality Particle, entitled And Our Efforts Were Rewarded. The title was borrowed, with permission, from a short story they unearthed which captured the intensity of the testing they endured under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics’ Space Program. Subjected to experimentation, torture, deprivation, and starvation, the members of The Cosmonauts knew one day they would either perish or escape. As we all know, from their debut Quality Particle, their journey to freedom was paved with the tastiest of beats. Having discovered a planet teeming with like-minded (and similar-looking) creatures, they began to wonder if the USSR had farmed their people in an attempt to beat the United States in intergalactic travel after their failed attempts to beat them to Earth’s Moon. Nevertheless, their sophomore album And Our Efforts Were Rewarded served as a warning for the potential second wave of Russian captors, one that seemed destined to ride over the horizon at any moment…
Side A
A Deep, Dark Alley
Rat In A Cage
Side B
Home For The Holidays
Never To Be Seen Again
A Revolution
End Transmission